Why is it that celebrities never comment on their scandals when the gossip mill is churning? It’s only after they’re out of the limelight that they start blabbing about sex, drugs, and dating. Such is the case with Joe Jonas, who said nary a peep about his sex life during the JoBros heydey a few years ago, but now he’s quite the chatterbox…
“I did other stuff before then, but I was sexually active at 20. I’m glad I waited for the right person, because you look back and you go, ‘That girl was bats–t crazy. I’m glad I didn’t go there.’”
So much for that purity ring, eh JJ? The now-scruffy singer–Joe, we have to talk about that Wyatt Earp mustache thing you’re trying to make happen. Just no.–is opening up about his supposed vow of virginity and admitted that it wasn’t exactly a no-sex-until-marriage type of thing after all, but rather a childhood idea that got out of hand:
“We couldn’t escape it,” Joe revealed. “It started when I was really young — I must have been 10 or 11. There’s a program people do in some churches called True Love Waits, where you wait for marriage to have sex. Kevin and I decided to join — Nick tried it later. Fast-forward a few years, we’ve started playing music and we’re working with Disney and we have these rings.”
But thankfully, Joe wriggled out of his chastity belt, but all I can wonder is who exactly is his crazy ex-GF? To me, there are three choices: Demi Lovato, Ashley Green and Taylor Swift. We know that Joe literally wept (ew) over Ashley, so I don’t think she’s the crazy one there. And while he acknowledged that dating Demi at the height of her drug use was “an insane situation to be in,” something tells me he’s talking about Taylor, don’t you agree minions? It certainly wouldn’t be the first time that an ex had described TS as nutty–and probably shant be the last.
What’s your take on Joe’s tell-all and who do you peg to be the craziest of them all?
The post Scene & Heard: Who Is Joe Jonas’ Crazy Ex Girlfriend? appeared first on Gossip Girl.